Også i Sør-Afrika lever befolkningen nå med restriksjoner på grunn av koronaviruset. 26. mars ble landet «stengt ned» for tre uker. Barnehjemmet fikk beskjed fra myndighetene om at de ikke kunne bo så mange sammen som de gjør til vanlig. De har derfor spredd barna på de husene de har til disposisjon, og har plassert en ansvarlig voksen i hvert hus. Barn som har slektninger i landsbyen er sendt hjem, og noen barn er midlertidig tatt vare på av sosialtjenesten. Ekstraoverføringen vi nylig sendte, har hjulpet på matsituasjonen i en tid med hamstring og stigende priser.
Les her hvordan Nicole Cloete beskriver situasjonen:
Nicole Cloete
« Hi
So here is an update from Botshibelo. We were told by government on 25th of March that we can’t all stay together in the house for our safety, and that everyone must go to their family on the village as the government wants no one in big groups. So we had to run around trying to organise family members to take the kids until the lockdown is over. Luckily mostly all the kids have family on the village, and older brothers and sisters here too. So we have given make shift housing to nearly all of our family units. We gave the cottage to Dipuo and her family, the rock house to Choni and her family, the main house to Sissy and her family etc. So we have about 10 households. We have handed out food to all, toiletries, electricity and cleaning materials. Sissy and I are in charge of food distribution. We are very impressed with this new system as the kids get more one on one with each other, and because it's broken down even more, we actually are really liking this system better than the big house. Of course we are only in our 8th day of lockdown, and there is talk that the government is going to extend it. Unfortunately 6 of the childrens’ moms couldn't come in time for their kids, and welfare had to take them to a place of safety for the lockdown time. It was very traumatic for the children, and they were very scared. We have since spoken to them, and they are fine, but still traumatized. We will be stock piling food as we have already had 3 families from the village approach us for food aswell, so we also have to collect extra for our village.
We have to take special precautions for Con, Sarah, Jessica and Thapelo as they are our critical people, and they can’t be exposed at all. We just want to say thank you for your help as we would never have managed to survive without your support, and we were so lucky you sent that big amount for us to stock pile food.»
Barn fra barnehjemmet som spiser og leker (bilder fra 2014)